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When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns

Here’s How I Use a Multi-Sensory Approach to Dismantle the Mind-Body Blocks That Keep You Stuck

[book excerpt]
What’s your body saying to you? The entire organization of the body broadcasts messages internally that you can’t ignore, whether you’re conscious of them or not. Physical sensations feed how you think and feel. You know this already - you’re not a beginner. You do yoga, meditation, tai chi - you know how much returning to your body calms your mind. Or maybe you’ve heard that this is true but just don’t know how to get there.

Google your body

If you’re old enough to remember the pre-Google search engine days, you remember how hard it was to retrieve useful information from the internet. Often other search engines returned information that didn’t truly meet your query. By organizing the world’s information, Google made it universally accessible and useful. When you organize your body, you can make the signals you perceive accessible and useful.

Once you understand the signals, you’ll discover your body is as powerful as your brain when it comes to solving problems so you can 

feel more physical comfort

find more emotional calm and 

get more clarity for action.

You can unstick your body through your sensory system to resolve your persistent limitations.

In this book you’ll learn how you can make sense of body messages so you can feel whole and empowered, connected within yourself so you can connect with others and move forward in your life with clear intention. This approach uses a deep dive into posture and walking in order to make that happen. 

These simple acts, although pedestrian, contain a depth of unexamined riches. By discovering how to consciously link the  

the body that feels and

the brain that creates meaning  

you can see what is body and what is your perception of your body. Seeing this distinction allows you to break through old patterns that are limiting you. The quickest way to get there is to learn how to organize your whole body in what I will call your Sensing Posture. 

Your Sensing Posture gets underneath your personal filter of perception and offers you the baseline human experience of wholeness through internal body organization. 

Your sense of how to

balance from the inside, 

listen without being defensive, and

see clearly so you can move towards your goals

converge in your body to generate postural cues. When you successfully upgrade this convergence to reach a new level of homeostasis, you transform your life in a way that piecemeal approaches fail to achieve. 

Self-control vs self-regulation

When you learn how to find your sensing posture, you learn to distinguish between self-control and self-regulation. Self-control is suppression to stop or prevent the body from doing what it’s doing. It’s a hierarchical approach that says top controls bottom.

Self-regulation is giving the body what it needs so it can do things better. It’s a relational approach that says bottom informs top, and the conversation goes both ways. You learn self-regulation by understanding and responding to the body’s needs. And you communicate with your own body through your sensing posture. 

Self-control can be a necessary skill for certain situations and is often more about directing behavior. It does not address the internal experience and if you don’t know how to incorporate that, unmet felt needs will ultimately catch up with you. Self-regulation, on the other hand, is building a relationship with your body so you are collaborating with it in the sensory language it understands. 

Before you read any further, let’s try an example of how this might work in your body…

Stand with your feet 2-3 inches apart. Now, do the following move internally and imagine you are doing it so no one can notice it. Position your pelvis as if you are about to take a seat, and send your shins forward at the same time. Remember, it’s an internal shift, imperceptible to observers. Take at least 30 seconds to notice what happens.Take longer if you wish.

What changed for you? How did you feel in the whole of your body?  

Now position your head to listen to the sounds around you, and keep doing what you did above. Imagine you are waiting in line somewhere. Imagine people around you are impatient and stressed about waiting in line. 

How do you feel? What changed now?

If you feel more grounded and settled, more spacious and open in the chest, or more relaxed in your shoulders, that’s a good sign. (If not, try it with your eyes closed). It’s such a minor change to stand with these instructions, yet the change in your whole body experience can be significant. 

Instead of ‘standing up straight’, you position yourself to the signals your body seeks. The body connects into the ground through the arches of the feet, which you activate by putting more weight into your shins while slightly changing the position of the pelvis. 

Can you use these cues when you think of ‘standing up straight’: shins, take a seat, listen? Can you imagine what would happen if you used these cues instead of bracing yourself in anticipation of something you fear / dread / “can’t stand”?

Now organize yourself as if you are listening from the front surface of your spine, deep inside you. Continue to reach your shins forward while you “take a seat” within your pelvis. Let the sounds inside the room connect to the front of your spine. Connect to the sounds outside the room with your ears.

What changed here? 

[book excerpt ends here]

Ready to read more? 

In this book you'll discover a body resolution process that you can use again and again to resolve old patterns that keep you from moving forward.

Back in the early 2000's, I replaced yoga classes and martial arts classes and talk therapy with a commitment to change how I felt in my body all day long. 

The result? I am more calm and powerful in my body and mind in my 50's than I was in my 30's.

Since then, what used to cause me emotional turmoil or resistance to change is now resolvable. I use my body as a resource, instead of managing it as a burden or when I leave my body and go into my head when faced with old stressors. And my clients have likewise learned to trust their bodies and capacities to face the challenges that used to hold them back. 

My book, When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns, reveals the fundamentals steps of the process.

Inside, I'll share how your posture can facilitate self-regulation, the body resolution process that is available to you right now, and the power of using your sensory system to change old patterns. I use these things today to cultivate deep trust in my body.

I'll also share how I restore balance and power in my body without strain or loads of time.  

This book includes videos that illustrate the critical adjustments you can make to change how you feel in your body all day long, the reasons you are stuck, why your current strategies aren't working, plus many more tools that you can use every day, spontaneously and at the moments you need them most.

People have come to me after having tried multiple mind-body methods or even getting certified in a couple of them, still struggling to master ease in their bodies. This multi-sensory approach connects the dots or fills in the gaps that saved them thousands of dollars and precious time by averting surgery, being able to quickly self-recover, or finding every-day resilience that transforms how they show up in their lives. 

You’ll find all this in this book, When Things Stick: Untangling You Body From Old Patterns.

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  • BONUS #1: 6 Videos of The Fundamental Steps to Recover Your Body
  • BONUS #2: Conversations With Your Body: A Workbook on How to Self-Learn
  • BONUS #3: Access to my private FaceBook Group: When Things Stick to post your questions

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Bonus #1:

6 Videos of The Fundamental Steps to Recover Your Body

Here’s How Smart People Are Using The Fundamentals to Find Their New Body
Inside When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body from Old Patterns, you’ll discover how to use your sensory system for whole-body changes through 6 Fundamental concepts. 

Do you also want to see how to move past old, resistant patterns in your life?  

In these 6 videos, you'll discover a new approach to organize your body to the forces of gravity, light, and sound. 

These videos are included in your book. 

Bonus #2:

Conversations With Your Body: A Workbook on How to Self-Learn

The feedback loop that is key to making progress.
Learning to move your body in order to feel for something (instead of in order to do something) can be an unusual experience. 

In this guide, I'll indicate what to look for, what to avoid, and how to build the conversation you'll have with your body so can gain the insights that break old patterns.

Bonus #3:

Access to my private FB group “When Things Stick”

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In this private FaceBook group, you can post your own questions and benefit from what others have to say. Share your experiences and be inspired as you share insights and breakthroughs.

As the author of the book, I'll be active in responding to your questions to help the book become a powerful learning tool for you.

When Things Stick is just $9.99 and you’ll get an immediate digital download plus all 3 of the bonuses listed above at no additional cost.

Order your digital copy today and get the exact method I've been teaching to private and online clients to transform their body and lives. 

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Here’s a simple promise:

When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns will show you everything that I’ve told you about on this page and more.

Inside, you’ll discover exactly how to find your effortless posture and learn to speak to your body in a language it understands.

You'll learn why you are stuck, why your current approach isn't working, and how to get beyond your blocks using your senses.

If you try out the videos included with this book and look for ways to bring those details into your daily life…

...I guarantee you’ll discover new insights you haven’t thought about, perspectives that can help you grow, or simply feel much better in your body.

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Sue Choi
I help thinkers come home to their bodies
Thanks for taking the time to read this far.

For over 20 years I’ve been working with smart women who know there must be a better way to work with their bodies to calm their mind.

Here are a few of the types of clients I’ve had the privilege of working with:
  • Professional performers and athletes (dancers, musicians, actors, Olympic ice skater, singers)
  • Mental health professionals (somatic psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists)
  • Certified instructors (pilates, yoga, Feldenkrais, tai chi, chi gong, meditation teachers)
  • ​Teachers, writers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, social workers, artists, journalists, filmmakers
Back in 2000, I dedicated myself full-time to help first myself and then others come home to their bodies.

And now you can experience a deeper alignment within yourself by learning to make the internal organization of your body work for you...

Turning posture and walking into tools for personal growth

When I switched from following outside instructions to understanding the internal body organization, I had access to so much more of myself. 

Over time, I’ve worked to perfect the process, and I've taught my private clients the same system.

You may have come across other systems that teach posture or walking, but lasting change comes from meaningful integration. Most systems that change your body don't give you a path to change your mind. 

Posture and walking may be the most overlooked gold mine you have at your fingertips.

I’ve found that this system of organizing your body to the forces of gravity, light, and sound keeps improving how you move and feel in daily life.

Inside the book, you’ll discover the lessons I’ve used to help me resolve internal conflict and that I've used to help my private clients do the same.

Obviously, I can’t promise that you’ll read When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns and you’ll solve all your problems.

What I can promise is that you’ll discover take-away insights, methods, and strategies that you can immediately implement into your daily life…

...and you’ll discover an approach to organizing your body that liberates you from your mental-emotional blocks.

I hope you enjoy reading When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns.

After you’ve finished it (or even before), send me an email and let me know what you think of it. I'd love to hear about your experiences learning through your own body.

Your body guide,

Sue Choi

Get When Things Stick + All 3 Bonuses

For Just $9.99

  • A Digital Copy of When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns
  • 6 Videos of The Fundamental Steps 

  • ​Conversations With Your Body: A Workbook on How to Self-Learn
  • Access to a private Facebook Group for the book

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You’ll receive When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body From Old Patterns digital book and all of the included bonuses.


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